Whats is Filmamo

We find and compare for you the best offers in streaming, subscription or physical DVD and BLUERAY of films and TV series.

Streaming movies is becoming an increasingly common practice, completely replacing video rental and, in many cases, even traditional television.

The advantages are the absence of advertising, the extremely wide choice of films and entire seasons of TV series always available of all genres, and the ease of access. The offer of streaming films has also expanded dramatically, with increasingly efficient services.
Today streaming movies and TV series can be found on numerous platforms such as NetFlix, Rakuten, TimVision, Chili, Apple Store and many others, so much so that it has become difficult to know how to choose the best and cheapest service that fits your needs.

Filmamo offers a huge selection of both new and vintage titles of streaming films and TV series, compares the services of the different portals and allows you to choose the one that offers the chosen films at a better price, the present offers of the various sites of legal streaming and a large section dedicated to films that can be watched for free.

Thanks to filmamo.it it is thus possible to choose easily and save money, without having to chase the various offers or promotions of the many portals, in complete safety and on any device: desktop, laptop, mobile phone or tablet.

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