
Film - 2023
Infested it's a movie with Théo Christine, Sofia Lesaffre, Finnegan Oldfield, Jérôme Niel, Lisa Nyarko Full cast. Directed by Sébastien Vaniček. Original title Vermines, runtime 106 minutes. Genre Horror.
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Review of  Balkan Castevet Balkan Castevet
Film seen with great interest given that Vanicek will direct the next Evil Dead, a socially critical horror film is staged that represents the cross-section of French society, the clashes between the police and the less well-off sections of society. The social aspect is not pedantic and does not distract from the mechanics of the genre, everything is set inside a building with the clear intent of creating claustrophobic atmospheres and of ghettoizing, precisely, the poor of society by creating a parallelism with the spiders themselves. Vanicek knows how to create suggestive images and well-constructed shots where good shots are created through chromatic games using green and red lights. There is also a good use of the focus, to limit the depth of field and therefore the out of focus. The use of focus, together with the extensive use of the hand-held camera, dirties the staging, also giving that sensation of a "suburban tale" trying to instill anguish and claustrophobic atmospheres. Vanicek, however, is not able to exploit full of such images and does not have the expert hand, debut film, in knowing how to fuel the tension. The film presents several clichés and there are moments with rather standard jump scares and generic dynamics in trying to build the atmosphere. It is noted that the direction is unable to create, make it last, the moments could give intensity, there are good scenes where both the spiders and the victims of the scene coexist but the latter (the victims) are unaware of the presence of the spiders, therefore suspense is created, however then the management is rather fast, therefore those strong overtakes and a slow cutting that would have fueled the atmosphere are missing. The very extensive use of the hand camera in fact often moves everything a little too much, the crossing of the corridor is well photographed, it is a potentially highly atmospheric moment, however those fluid camera movements make the dynamics too "fast", more breathing, more fixed shots Read all


Residents of a rundown French apartment building battle against an army of deadly, rapidly reproducing spiders.
